"The most important thing I learned is that soldiers watch what their leaders do. You can give them classes and lecture them forever, but it is your personal example they will follow."
Ed Clayson
Commander - Army - Post 6073 - Cmd@vfw6073.org
Mark Johnson
Sr. Vice Commander - Army - Post 6073 - Svc@vfw6073.org
Paul Peavy
Jr. Vice Commander - Army - Post 6073 - Jvc@vfw6073.org
Tom Gallagher
Quartermaster - Navy - Post 6073 - Qm@vfw6073.org
George Seymore
Adjutant - Army - Post 6073 - Adj@vfw6073.org
Quentin Knight
Sergeant-At-Arms - Marines - Post 6073
Kevin Simon
Officer of the Day - Post 6073
George Jones
Judge Advocate - Army - Post 6073
Norah Hill
Surgeon - Army - Post 6073
Raymond Brandon
Service Officer - Army - Post 6073
Raymond Brandon
Chaplain - Army - Post 6073
Mark DanDurand
Shooting Range Chairman - Army - Post 6073
Nate Green
Trustee - Air Force - Post 6073
Kevin Hoffmaster
Trustee - Army - Post 6073
Bill Butler
Trustee - Post 6073
Brenda Brandon
Auxiliary President - Post 6073
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